Maximum Speed : 96 km/h
Weight : 230 kg
Battery Capacity : 1.9 kWh
Power : 3kW
It is the first vehicle of the ITU Solar Car Team, which was established upon the call made by TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) in 2004. The design studies that started in 2004 were completed in 2005 and ARIBA I was produced. Our team, which made an electric car powered by solar energy for the first time, participated in its first race with ARIBA I in 2005 in Istanbul Park. When it came to 2006, ARIBA I, which participated in TUBITAK Formula-G 2006 again, showed a much superior performance compared to other solar cars and became the 1st and represented ITU in the best way. ARIBA I, the ancestor of ARIBAs, which is a great source of pride for our team, is currently exhibited in the Electrical Machines Laboratory of the ITU Faculty of Electrical and Electronics.
ITU Solar Car Team designed and produced ARIBA II in order to get the 2nd place in addition to the 1st place in TUBITAK Formula-G races by making a better car with the experience they gained in 2005. Having a successful race with both vehicles, our team managed to enter the finish line in 1st and 2nd place. ARIBA I lap number 30 best lap time 2: 42,872. ARIBA II lap number 28, best lap time 2: 53.037. ARIBA II is currently exhibited at the entrance of the Engines and Vehicles Laboratory.

Maximum Speed : 90 km/h
Weight : 220 kg
Battery Capacity : 1 kWh
Power : 3.5kW

Maximum Speed : 90 km/h
Weight : 230 kg
Battery Capacity : 1 kWh
Power : 3.5kW
With the ITURA (ARIBA III) produced in 2007, ITU SCT took the first place in the Formula-G 2007 race held in Ankara. Our team, which came second with ARIBA II in the same race, did not lose their place in the first places. History repeats itself in the Formula-G 2008 race held in Izmir in the year 2008 and our vehicles did not leave the first two places to anyone. The ITU Solar Car Team has reached the leadership level at the national level with its determined stance, although it has been a short time since its establishment. ARIBA III lap number: 30, best lap time: 1: 53.881. ARIBA II lap number: 30, best lap time: 1: 55.578
ITU SCT took 1st and 2nd place in the Formula-G Races for 3 years consecutively. Our team enlarged its goals and turned its route to an international platform. ITU SCT, which started to carry out its work entirely for the World Solar Challenge, produced the ARIBA IV after a 1-year design phase. Our team, which succeeded in receiving the "The Best Newcomer Award" in the first international race it participated in with ARIBA IV, and proved the success of its engineering studies in the international arena.

Maximum Speed : 90 km/h
Weight : 280 kg
Battery Capacity : 5 kWh
Power : 2.5kW

Maximum Speed : 120 km/h
Weight : 230 kg
Battery Capacity : 1 kWh
Power : 1.8kW
ARIBA V, whose design started in 2010, was completed in September 2011 after an intensive design and production process. ARIBA V, designed for the World Solar Challenge 2011, could not participate in the WSC 2011, which our team was ambitious about, due to financial problems. Our team was confident in the car they produced and wanted to test it. Our team took a break of 3 years, and after this break, decided to participate in the TUBITAK Formula-G Race held in Turkey. ARIBA V, which received 2 awards at the Formula-G 2012 Races, proved itself in national races. Our team, which came first in the semi-finals, took the third place in the final race due to problems. In addition, ARIBA V was awarded the “Best Engineering Design” award, which measures the engineering and technical capacities of vehicles in TUBITAK Formula-G Races.
Right after the Formula-G 2012 races, the designs of the ARIBA VI started. The vehicle, whose production process started with mold production in February 2013, was completed in August 2013. The road from the Bosphorus Bridge to Ankara (~450 km) was covered entirely with solar energy and the vehicle was tested during this journey. ARIBA VI participated in the World Solar Challenge Race held in Australia in October, but due to some problems with the engine, it covered 1613 km in the race and finished the race in 17th place.

Maximum Speed : 140 km/h
Weight : 140 kg
Battery Capacity : 1 kWh
Power : 1.8kW

Maximum Speed : 135 km/h
Weight : 156 kg
Battery Capacity : 5.3 kWh
Power : 1.8kW
In order to participate in the TUBITAK Formula-G races, which will be held for the last time in 2014, the designs of ARIBA VII were started in October 2013. Although the exterior of the vehicle, which is an upper version of the ARIBA VI, is almost the same as the ARIBA VI, major changes have been made to the mechanical design and materials used. ARIBA VII, which finished the race in the 11th place in the second place, made our team proud with its success. Thus, ARIBA VII brought the 18th trophy to ITU SCT.
Our team developed the prototype Aruna, which was prepared by working on the new category "Cruiser", which emerged in the World Solar Challenge Race. The first 4-person vehicle production process was successfully completed. Aruna was exhibited for a certain period of time. The vehicle, which received the support of many of our sponsors, made an impact on the press.

Maximum Speed : 105 km/h
Weight : 500 kg
Battery Capacity : 15 kWh
Power : 3.6kW

ARIba 7S
Maximum Speed : 135 km/h
Weight : 165 kg
Battery Capacity : 5.8 kWh
Power : 1.8kW
The team, which decided to renew one of the existing vehicles to participate in the Youth For Future (YFF) race, led by Anadolu University Anadolu Solar Team, revised the ARIBA VI due to the accident of ARIBA VII. The vehicle was ready for use in a short time. The team and the vehicle won the 3rd place in the YFF race they participated in, without violating any rules and without penalty. Immediately after, it was decided to participate in the ESC (European Solar Challenge). In the race held in Belgium in September, ARIBA 7S won the title of being the fastest "challenger" vehicle in the world by passing 350 m for 00.03.09. ITU SCT was awarded the "ISF Achievement Award-Brain Sport" by the International Solarcar Federation for being the team that best reflects the spirit of solar energy.
Bees on Wheels
Max Speed: 140 km/h
Weight: 170 kg
Battery Capacity: 6.1 kWh
Motor Power: 1.8 kW

B.O.W., whose designs started in September 2016, was completed in August 2017 after a strict planning and production process. The vehicle was tested along the road stretching from Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge to Ankara. Drawing attention with the name of "Golden Car", B.O.W. participated in the World Solar Challenge Race held in Australia in October and traveled 2200 km with solar energy, but could not get an official ranking due to some technical problems. In September 2020, B.O.W. had the opportunity to take part in the iLumen European Solar Challenge (ESC) held at the Zolder Circuit in Belgium, despite pandemic restrictions. It was the only vehicle from outside Europe to participate in the race and was chosen as the 3rd fastest solar car in Europe in its category.

Maximum Speed : 140 km/h
Weight : 120 kg
Battery Capacity : 5.3 kWh
Power : 1.8kW
ARIBA X, the 10th car of our team, was produced in 2021. We had the excitement of competing with the successful technical schools of 10 different European countries in the European Solar Challenge 2021 organization with ARIBA X, which we created without interrupting our work under pandemic conditions. ARIBA X, who completed the dynamic course in 4th place, was not able to complete the 24-hour stage because of an unfortunate accident while advancing the race successfully.
ARIBA XE is an upgraded and customized version of our previous vehicle for the last Bridgestone World Solar Challenge 2023. In this race, which covered more than 3,000 kilometers, our team experienced the terrain, important places and environment in the heart of Australia. Since its production, ARIBA XE has covered more than 12,500 kilometers and our vehicle has participated in 3 iESC and 1 Worlds Solar Challenge competitions. Our team, which keeps up with new technologies, started working to produce more up-to-date, more sustainable and more competitive vehicles.

Maximum Speed : 140 km/h
Weight : 170 kg
Battery Capacity : 6,1 kWh
Power : 1.8kW
ARIBA Autonomous

Established in 2018, our autonomous team managed to complete the first vehicle production in 2021. We took part in the Teknofest-Robotaxi Autonomous Vehicle Competition with our ARIBA Autonomous vehicle, whose software and hardware were developed by the ITU Solar Car Team. We were one of the 3 teams that completed all the tasks in this race in accordance with the rules and we won the third prize.
ARIBA Autonomous II

ARIba Autonomous II
Maximum Speed : 60 km/h
Weight : 190 kg
Battery Capacity : 2.2 kWh
Power : 1.8kW
ARIBA Autonomous II came out with the high-paced work of our team this year. According to ARIBA Autonomous, the ARIBA Autonomous II, which made radical changes in electrical, mechanical, autonomous software and production areas, is the most striking car of the ITU ZES Solar Car Team with its striking design, ability to drive autonomously on all kinds of roads and solar panels added to it. ARIBA Autonomous II has the title of being the only vehicle that can complete the course by getting full points among the 33 cars participating in the 2022 Teknofest Robotaxi competition.